Our Story

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Our Story

Choma Central is situated along Livingstone Road between Medium Cost Compound and Choma Trades Training Institute- Mawaggali. Choma Central SDA Church is the oldest and the mother to all the other main urban SDA Churches in Choma Mission District. The lineage is as follows; Choma Central begat Swani SDA church first then Mwapona SDA and finally Kasensa SDA. From there onwards these churches begat other churches, Companies and Branches. Today Choma Central is an independent Church District. The first church District pastor was Antony Chongo from 2018 to 2021 and then Pastor Dr. Muvwimi Maxwell goes in history as the second Choma Central District SDA church pastor.

The emerging of Choma Central SDA church started as far back as in 1973 and possibly even before. As a branch central was under Mandala SDA church falling in Dimbwe Mission District of South Zambia Field by then. The pioneers for the growth of central church consists of a long list. However, some notable ones are: Late Ps. B. Mulombwa, Late Elder J.F Ng’andu others include, Late M.O Mubita, Elder T Masuka, J.B Mbulo, Elder Sijamba and Elder J. Moonga while the sisters that were influential were Mulomba, Sinvubwa, Ngwenya and Mudenda. It will be unfair to leave out names of Enos Mazuka and S. Mpofu

Work would be incomplete without mentioning of outstanding youths by then. These were: elder Charles Siazweni- Humba, Late Maxon Passi-Central and Elder A. Simaambo-Maleba. In 1974 became a company that time fell under Kabula SDA Churches. At some point, Elder SWB Hamweene became Company leader adding value in pushing for the growth and to be weaned out from being under Mutaba and Kabula leadership. By the way all the camp-meeting activities at Mandala Camp site. In the year 1975, became an organized church meeting in New Hind Hall but later the Hall was sold to SAMAJ Association and the members were congregating in the community Hall (Shampande) and also at ST Patricks Primary School now Basic School. This gave impetus to church members to secure their own place and elect an independent building. Pastor Mulomba played an important role in this area.

As work continued to better the church, several engineers and contractors were engaged such as Mawaggali Trades Training Institute, Nakambala Sugar Estate Engineers ZNS under the supervision of Major Zulu and finally J.J Lowe. The current roof was done by J.J Lowe who introduced the rail pillars to support the roof. This is the company that replaced the asbestors for Iron sheets. The present nature of the Central church cannot be fully concluded if the following cannot be mentioned. Pastor Thomas-USA, Late Edwin Mweemba for wiring and ligting the church. H.D Hamaleka, The Neil family of Lilly Ponds, J. Moonga Late Dr. Siamukayumbu Siamujaye, Mr. Walken, Sr. Judith Nalishebo, Elder Munyandi and Br. Chama. Underway, the Church has embarked on to construct a modern church. Funds, Contractors and logistics are almost maturing, it’s just the matter of time.